DHS official : Napolitano to tour flood-related damages RI

Richard DiPietro, 56, looked longingly over the rapids intensification of Warwick Street and into his garage footbrake City on Wednesday.
Flood levels not seen in Rhode Island, since the registration began in 1870 have damaged the manure handling plants, flooded industrial parks and created an ecological disaster with raw sewage flowing into Narragansett Bay, officials say.
"This has set us back a century in the waste water in the town of Warwick, says Janine Burke, supervisory director of Warwick Sewage Authority. It makes you want to cry."
Approximately 2500 businesses and homes have been evacuated by press secretary Sue Baker said. Around 200 of them are flooded for the second time in two weeks, "she said.
River Crested in Cranston Wednesday at 20.7 feet. Rivers in Connecticut, Massachusetts and New Hampshire will crest through the weekend, "said Ed Capone, service coordination hydrologist in the Northeast River Forecast Center.
Schütt and Cranston Mayor Allan Fung survey flooding from a helicopter. "From the sky, see how far Pawtucket exceeded its banks, said Schütt." It is now in the areas selected as a one-in-500 year flood. "
This week's flooding in Rhode Island is widespread and comes after flooding earlier this month provoked President Barack Obama to declare most of the state a disaster area.
The river gauge at Cranston recorded a flow of 14,000 cubic meters per second on Tuesday, compared with the latest proof of the flood two weeks ago of 5,000 cubic meters per second, he said. Normal is 750 to 1000 cubic meters per second.
U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano plans to go to Rhode Island on Friday to assess damage caused by the worst floods in 200 years, one department official told The Associated Press.
This week's flooding in Rhode Island is widespread and comes after flooding earlier this month asked the leader Barack Obama to declare most of the state of a hardship area.
Obama this week issued a disaster declaration in Rhode Island, ordering federal aid for emergency and authorizing the Federal Republic of Disaster Management Agency to manage the work.