ncaa bracket blank

A great deal of “expert science” is poured into almost every NCAA bracket 2010 prediction that you hear about on TV, the Web or in print. But if your NCAA bracket is blank, you aren’t alone. Even a casual fan of basketball knows that simply following along with the top seeds in each division is a proven path to success. In general, “Cinderella stories” don’t happen; upsets are called upsets for a reason. They are not the norm and they are not something to wager serious consumer financial products like quick loans over. If your NCAA bracket is blank, playing it safe isn’t a bad way to go, although the single-game elimination format of the NCAA Tournament still lends itself to unpredictability.
Sounds like a toss-up, doesn’t it? Even though going with top seeds is generally a safe path, it is still exceedingly rare that two number one seeds actually meet in the NCAA Tournament championship game. What is a confused NCAA Tournament fan to do, asks the New York Times. Go for any emptybracketitis theory that flies for you, apparently
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