Mexicali Earthquake: 7.2 Quake Shakes April 4, 2010 Southern California

A powerful 7.2 earthquake near the Mexico-US border Sunday shook buildings as far away as Los Angeles and felt the diaper in a large area in the two countries.
An active advocate earthquakes south of the US-Mexican border Sunday swayed skyscrapers in the business district of Los Angeles and San Diego and felt in Southern California and Arizona, but there were no immediate reports of major damage in the U.S..
A parking Organizations collapsed south of the border, and power outages occurred in either country since it sent seismic waves felt like Los Angeles to Las Vegas and Arizona.
The fire said the industry was moving stream Log in to check traffic, large common areas, homes and power lines from the perception and the air flow to ensure safety.
The 7.2-level quake strikes for 340 about 19 miles southeast of Mexicali, a bustling commercial center on the Mexican side of the border to load vehicles with goods for a crossroads Inn in California. More Than 900,000 people live in larger Mexicali area.
It was the biggest earthquakes in the region near 18, and diaper pots followed by aftershocks or delete "triggered" earthquakes on both sides of the border financing U.S. Geological Survey seismologist Lucy Jones.Strong Shake Inge diaper report Coachella Valley and the water, California. The earthquake shook buildings on the west side of Los Angeles and San Fernando Valley, cancel Easter dinners. Chandeliers swayed and jiggled in wine glasses.
In Los Angeles city fire department went to the "earthquake" status, and some stopped elevators diaper reported. No injuries were reported diaper in Los Angeles or San Diego.
Strong earthquake diaper reported in Coachella Valley and Riverside, California Earthquake shook buildings on the west side of Los Angeles and San Fernando Valley, cancel Easter dinners. Chandeliers swayed and jiggled in wine glasses.
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