Jillian Lauren : "Some Girls" - My Life in a Harem | Jillian Lauren : Best Seller Book

Friday, May 14, 2010

Jillian Lauren may be the author of the new book "Some Girls: My Life in a Harem", about her encounter with an NYU student who took an engagement she had not noticeably on ending a sexual and social companion of Prince Jefri Bolkiah, the younger brother the Sultan of Brunei. Jillian Lauren's information is very characteristic, which also made the book much more appealing to readers.

Jill Lauren has a bachelor's degree and master's degree in learning disabilities from Northwestern University. She has been teaching LD students of all ages for over twenty-five years. known as an authority in the field of reading and writing, Jill has trained teachers across the country to utilize a variety of prepared, multi-sensory approach to teaching reading and writing. Jill has also worked with various schools to implement a successful treatment programs.

As a result of the publication of the later with LD, Jill has been asked to speak to children and adults about the important lessons from success stories. In 2008 a third edition of the following with LD, issued with a special where are they now "section, which contains updated profiles.

At that time the prince the richest man in the world and he keeps taking Jillian Lauren with gifts, jewelry and Duffel bags filled with money. She was one of 40 young ladies who have been sold on Prince's Beck and call, he could have many beautiful women every night and have a multiple sexual partners to choose from every day occurrences in several cases a day.

Jillian Lauren interview with Violet Blue, where Lauren beam on her best-selling book, "Some Girls: My Life in a Harem". The book is her memoir, it is about her experiences as a NYU student who took an engagement, she did not recognize much about ending a sexual and social assistant to Prince Jefri Bolkiah. The book is full of nuances that can melt zipper.



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