Code Red

Tea partiers, Republicans, and Republicans masquerading as tea partiers are rallying against health care reform this morning on Capitol Hill at an event they're billing as "Code Red."
This rally is being organized by the more establishment side of the tea party movement -- or co-opted side, depending on your point of view. The sponsors include the Tea Party Express, founded by Republican operatives in California, and FreedomWorks, the corporate-funded outfit run by former House Majority Leader Dick Armey. Accordingly, the list of speakers is dominated by elected Republicans, albeit some of the more whacked members of the GOP caucus: Reps. Michele Bachmann, Marsha Blackburn, Joe Wilson, and Phil Gingrey.
We'll have a reporter and photographer there and will bring you more on the event later.
See also: Michelle Malkin: Making their voices heard: Protesting Demcare on Capitol Hill
Will have more info as it comes in.
Clearly, this isn’t as massive a crowd as was seen at the 9/12 March on Washington, Emergency tea party on November 5, or the Code Red Rally on Dec 15. Those events, along with CPAC just a few weeks ago, were as much as some tight budgets could allow, I’m thinking. Plus, come on…tomorrow is a holiday.
The bigger Tea Party event in D.C. will be held next month: A Tax Day Tea Party, April 15 at the Washington Monument from 7-10 p.m.
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