Hitler, DNA tests reveal potential Jewish and African roots

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Hitler DNA testing has shown that Adolf Hitler had African and Jewish ancestors. It has been reported by the Daily Express Tuesday that tests showed relative of Hitler has demonstrated its association with North African and Jewish communities. There have also been reported to Hitler in order to test the DNA, a second sample was received from one of Hitler's cousins from Australia, who is a farmer and his name is Mr. H. These chromosomes are common in North Africa and Jewish groups.The Telegraph reported that research was done by a journalist named Jean-Paul Mulder and historian Marc Vermeer. His father, Alois Hitler, was an illegitimate son of Maria Anna Schicklgruber his paternity was not listed on his birth certificate, but it is the first time there has been a scientific statement about Hitler's origins, says the magazine. Journalist Jean-Paul Mulder and historian Marc Vermeer used DNA to trace 39 of the Nazi leader relatives earlier this year, says the Daily Mail.
Historians have speculated that Hitler's grandfather was Jewish, and the former dictator knew this, do everything in his power to hide that fact. Hitler's parents have been questioned by historians suggested that he is of Jewish descent, but this time there is scientific evidence to back up the claim, and adding to it. Experts say that Hitler connection to their "migrant ancestor" could return anywhere from three to 20 generations. Religion should be delinked from politics and terrorism, and both.
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