Rupesh Shingadia is Cigar Guy from Tiger Woods photo

Monday, October 11, 2010

Rupesh Shingadia's Cigar Guy! Mystery of the Car Guy from Tiger Woods 'image is resolved, as The Daily Mail reveals Shingadia Rupesh, a 30-year investment analyst.Shingadia' s Cigar Guy took the Internet by storm, as people seemed to find the identity of the man wearing a wig and mustache on the picture.

Rupesh Shingadia is Cigar Guy from Tiger Woods photo

Rupesh Shingadia Is Car Guy Tiger Woods - When an image of Tiger Woods made its way online, many have failed to be aware of the athlete and instead focusing on the funny looking man behind him with a giant mustache, a cigar, and what do to be a turban. The man Rupesh Shingadia photo was jumped into a sequence of images almost as fast as the original picture went online and has become one of the most rapidly for widespread Internet memes of all time.

Shingadia photo soon jumped into a series of pictures that made their way online, following in the footsteps of Keanu Sad and strutting Leo.Some people spend years craving this kind of attention, but for me it happened by accident. It's just weird. "His dress was an ode to a famous Spanish golfer, and was not the kind of clothes he usually wears.


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