Terrified of chinese people

China is a sleeping dragon, waiting to wake up and viciously devour your life and soul. I am extremely terrified of Chinese people, but I am not racist. Their lack of morals means they have no problems developing WMDS with which to bring massive death, all while doing genetic manipulation and cloning to ensure population boom. Only 60 years ago, these Asian peoples joined up with Adoldf Hitler in order to destroy the most moral nation on Earth. Even though their attacks took the life of many good men on a day of infamy, America was blessed to rain bombs of freedom and nurture resultant liberty within a very dark Asian culture. China managed to reconquer the lands of Hong Kong and steal it back from Great Britain, all while no one did anything about it. The core values of Chinese communism include wanton carnality, stealing, bringing death and providing slothful people with income. From the time it’s formed as a zygote, even every Chinese baby’s heart is innately filled with much hate for not only you, but your children as well. It’s a part of their cultural heritage to hate the good Eest.
Chinese people have naturally wanted to bring destruction and great mayhem to all things American. Liberals will tell you lies and say this is not true and very extreme, but mark my words. Liberals want nothing more than to see a small population of American overran by billions of Asians. This is why they support abortion. Now skeptics and atheists out there will say that Chinese kill their young too, and yes, you’re right. It’s true. Reports show that each and every day the Chinese people brazenly sacrifice their young women in pagan ceremonies, so that their men may have more supplies and food stuffs to consume as they train for battle. The Chinese are going to attempt a great battle, battle being perhaps better described as a world domination plan. Such endeavors typify their nature, as their culture still does not value the principles of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. China embraces communism, a practice which noble men like Senator McCarthy, President Ronald Reagan and the somewhat liberal John Paul II fought against with all their heart.
Bill Clinton was caught giving our nuclear secrets to China and President Obama has let them buy up all of our national debt. Mary and Ellen on the lot at Universal Studios in LA for Scott Pilgrim vs The World and it's a really candid and fun girl chat. Ellen admits that, during a martial arts fight, she actually cut Mary's face, and Mary is okay with it. Mary looking the polar opposite of her character Ramona, she's wearing her dark brown hair up in well-ordered curls lying flat and ever so perfectly placed on the back of her head. She's in a slim green dress topped by a red sweater and wearing very high heels. Ellen is bridging the two looks she has on screen with a casual, modern and cute outfit somewhere in between school girl uniform and kick-butt leather action queen.
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