DMACC West Celebrate Constitution Day 2010

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Constitution Day| Constitution| U.s. Constitution| Us Constitution| Amendments

Constitution Day 2010 is a day that is not heavily celebrated in the United States. Holiday is also known as Citizenship Day. Constitution Day is used to celebrate the establishment of the United States Constitution, signed in 1787, 17 September. The activities will be open to the public Monday, September 20 in room rate. There, Dr. Aaron Mason presenting Costa Rican Constitution.

DMACC west celebrate Constitution Day 2010
Although the days are not so popular, it means giving people a reason to host a series of very funny and interesting events. This year's theme is "Constitutional Rights in the Digital Frontier." Ben Stone, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Iowa, will speak 12:10 to 12:50 on the campus auditorium. All of Constitution Day events are free and open to the public.

Some activities in the Constitution Day 2010 includes a visit for Janet Madison's Montpelier with over 200 local fourth through seventh student at James Madison foresaw the U.S. Constitution. It is located under the library's second floor where Madison had previously investigated by democracies and also the cartoonist Virginia plan there. All local Mason who helped establish the Institute Has Its welcome you get to see how the Foundation has been created and meet with faculty in the Northwest.


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