Review: For Real

Friday, September 17, 2010

“For Real” accounts a heartbreaking story about a six year old boy marred by marital conflicts of her parents.The films include problems with a range of modern nuclear families through the eyes of a child. Director Sona Jain makes a remarkable debut with a lovingly crafted film that revolves around the turbulent life a little Shruti Shukla.Things worsen to such an extent that Shruti believes her mother to be a foreigner.

Review: For Real

Mumbai: Sona Jain latest flick "For Real" is a drama about a failed marriage and how these tensions have a psychological effect on their six-year-old daughter Shruti. She is so afraid of his mother that when she comes in contact with her she goes into a shell. The marriage has broken a major impact on the girl's psyche. In the film Priyanka spend unnecessary time lying in the bathtub while her husband Deepak always thoughtful and grim. It is not a typical film that examines the life of a family. "For Real" is completely different films in the form of his name, star-cast, synopsis, and advertising design.

Sarita Choudhary as Priya, Adil Hussain as her too busy to bother the doctor's husband Ravi and Sameer Dharamadhikari as his psychiatrist friend Deepak is saddled with under-written characters, which they never fail to bring life. The best feature of The Real are the children. Zoya Hasan as the troubled and Shruti Sharma Sriharsh as her brother sections have some genuine moments.

Review: For Real


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