Delhi, Haiti, and Chiles EarthQuake Pictures

The massive 8.8 magnitude earthquake is Saturday morning in Chile .kilo meter more than 300 people and causing widespread damages in many areas and many areas of the country.
Delhi is a capital of Gujarat .Earthquake in Delhi a capital problem.
Earthquake videos, pictures, Mild tremors in Utter Pradesh As per the India seismic zone map, Delhi.changes in water. Most people is death and destruction in an earthquake are caused by collapse of man-made construction. Many house, factories, mile, office, and school-collage are much crushed and strike.
Houser may be 1998 has great earthquake ,Recall that in the 1976 China in 7.8 magnitude ,as per about 24300 persons died out of 1,000,000 population while the unofficial estimates on casualty are much higher.
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