The Roommate Movie Trailer

The roommate film produced by Vertigo Entertainment movie studio directed by Christian E. Christi Anse. Release date 4th february,2011. College student Sara finds her safety at risk, after she is assigned to a dormitory with a new roommate, Rebecca. Screen Gems has released a movie trailer for his new horror thriller The roommate.
The film is directed by Danish-born director Christian E. Christiansen, and was written by The Lake House, The Strangers producer-turned-first-time screenwriter Sonny Mallhi.
No long description of the action roommate yet. But we heard the movie was about movies roommate roommate vol 2, Cathy jean and the roommates, the roommate in 2010, the game roommate, roommate vol 1, roommate anime DVD, the roommate Leighton meester.Teen-centric horror film about a college studentwho find her safety in danger after she is assigned to a dormitory with a new, mentally disturbed roommate.
Awesome trailer. I really like the story line and will look forward to watch this movie when it will be released. Thanks for the trailer.
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