Justin Bieber Rapping on Radio Show

Saturday, October 16, 2010

NEW YORK - Though Justin makes fun of Tom Brady's hair. In a video posted by Bieber late Wednesday that he raps, "fired as a sack Call Mr. Brady Tell him to leave his hair to the guy who sings .. 'Baby'." While fans eagerly await the sequel Justin Bieber My World 2.0, we have a sneak peek at an exclusive performance set to premiere on MTV.com next Tuesday, the day of release.

Ludacris talked about how he found inspiration to write lyrics for teen star singing about young love, and admitted that it is much more than writing rhymes for their own albums. And I can guarantee you, mark my words, it's going to be one of the biggest songs in 2010. "

has also another name for his rapping ego and call him "shawty Mane." In the video Bieber takes a shot at the NFL quarterback Tom Brady, who raps, "Hello Mr. Brady / Tell him to leave the hair to the guy who sings" Baby. "He talks about he's mad that his girl left him, and he still takes care of her." he said "As soon as I heard it, I knew it was a hit, I just had to figure out how I can get on a record with a 15 - year old.Bieber also explained how he ended up on a track with rapper.


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