Michael Enright southeastern accused Stabbing NYC

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The following is a series of photographs by Michael Enright, an alleged hate-crimes team of a Muslim taxi driver, taken from his public Facebook page and those of his friends. Enright, a new and more complex than a classic out-of-town Islamophobe, is currently 21, according to new accounts, he was raised in Brewster, NY, near the border with Connecticut, about six miles west of Danbury and forty miles north of the city where he lives now as a sva students.

A student who did volunteer work in Afghanistan, was charged Wednesday with using a folding tool to cut the neck and face of a New York taxi driver after the driver said that he is Muslim.A criminal complaint claimed that Michael Enright expressed Arabic greeting, and told the victim, "Think this is a checkpoint, before the brutal bias attack occurred Tuesday evening in the yellow cab in Manhattan's East Side. Police said Enright was drunk then.

A criminal complaint is Michael Enright uttered an Arabic greeting and said to the driver: "Think this is a checkpoint, before the brutal bias attack occurred Tuesday evening in the yellow cab in Manhattan's East Side. A judge ordered Enright, 21, held without bail on charges of attempted murder and assault as hate crimes and possession of a weapon. He received his Ph.D. in electrical engineering from the University of Southern California.

Enright volunteered to Junction International, a group that promotes inter-religious dialogue and has supported plans for an Islamic center and mosque two blocks from Ground Zero. Dr. Enright has been a researcher at the Signal and Imaging Institute (SIPI) and the Integrated Media Systems Center (IMSC) at the University of Southern California (USC) where he worked on media cross-layer communication techniques.


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