See Franklin Graham hypothesis President Obama's Christianity
Billy Graham
Barack Obama Franklin Graham: Americans Believe Obama is Muslim, said the Rev. Graham was born with it - Showing an amazing lack of information about the Islamic faith and what it means to be Muslim, the Rev. Franklin Graham come out to say President Barack Obama was born Muslim, and that it was "going through the seed of his father." Franklin Graham, son of the Rev. Billy Graham, gave us the scoop on how to evaluate Barack Obama's claims to be a Christian.
Franklin Graham, son of the Rev. Billy Graham, gave us the scoop on how to evaluate Barack Obama's claims about being a Christian. The dumbing down of America by the right wing Christianists make the first task of American citizens to decide oppose their religious fanaticism, ignorance, falsehood, idiocy and dangerous self-righteous intolerance. These people are nuts and should be called to be nuts, and they have suffered in the country.
Obama has been completely open with this part of his life. His father was raised as a Muslim from Kenya and his mother was a white Christian woman from Kansas. His father was an atheist in his adult life, not a Muslim, and he divorced her mother when the president was two years old. He had little contact with him or his family until he was 15 and went on a trip to Kenya.
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