Country's Primary Election Results in live park

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

"Democrats complain they were blindsided when President Obama weighed in on the Ground Zero mosque and handed the GOP a new club to beat them with. Capitol Hill Democrats, including those facing tough races, were not told in advance before Obama's Friday night speech defending Muslims' rights to build a mosque in lower Manhattan," the New York Daily News reports. The AP writes that President Obama’s comments about the rights of Muslims to build a mosque at Ground Zero are “giving Republicans a campaign-year cudgel and forcing Democrats to address a divisive issue within weeks of midterm contests that will decide the balance of power in Washington.”

our population is small enough that many Wyomingites have personal connections with candidates, even those seeking statewide office. The Star-Tribune news staff has been working hard to provide Wyomingites with the information they need to do likewise on Election Day. In the past few months, we have published dozens of stories about races for statewide office, for legislative seats across the state, and for offices in Natrona County. We've also posted numerous videos on our website,, of candidates speaking to the Star-Tribune editorial board and at press conferences and other functions. Our efforts culminate today with the publication of our 2010 Primary Election Voters Guide.

Voters are voting in two western states today -- Washington, where Sen. Patty Murray (D) is seeking a fourth term, and Wyoming, where Republicans face a heated four-way battle to succeed term-limited Gov. Dave Freudenthal (D). Wyoming's races are partisan primaries, while in Washington's vote-by-mail primary -- come on quick counting! -- the top two vote-getters regardless of party will advance to the November general. Results aren't likely to roll in until late but the Fix (or more specifically deputy Fix Aaron aka "fixaaron" on Twitter-- will be monitoring the results.

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) has backed two candidates in tonight's races: former Washington Redskins tight end Clint Didier (R) in the Washington Senate race and state Auditor Rita Meyer in Wyoming's Republican gubernatorial primary. It's not likely to be a good night for Didier -- he clocked in at a distant third behind Murray and former state Sen. Dino Rossi (R) in a public poll last week. But, the prospects for a Meyer win in Wyoming are brighter with a Casper Star-Tribune poll earlier this month showing her tied with former U.S. Attorney Matt Mead.


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