8th Wonder Of The World

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Now, all the chickens and rooster should apprehensively waiting Monday nights at 10 pm to catch the latest step in AT's transformation to only Terrell-jo Kita, according to the mission is "the man, not the actor."

But for all of you too ashamed to admit that you have peeked or who have not worked up the courage to enjoy your curiosity, Bills Chick liked and took notes for you. Here are 8 things we learned from the episode 2:

1). T.O. not want to be perky for an airport at midnight ... until he sees a lot of fans and switches to (or is it Terrell?), which seems even lovable.

2). Niagra Falls
may be on the list of 7 Wonders of Canada ... but want you to know that he is on the 8 wonder of the world ... He is also more impressed with the Lady of the Mist boats than the actual falls themselves ... and he can carry an adult woman that she was a baby.
3) T.O. could actor by day, dear husband DiVA night and 24 / 7, but he also has a hidden talent as a motivational speaker conversations. He convinces Mo contact half sister she never met, and sounds surprisingly insightful while doing it.
4) He is the last key to the city and the owner says he is ready to be a team player. Buffalo Mayor said that he must take 10 touch downs takes us to the playoffs

5) T.O. is a natural to talk about her next career: sportscast. And he really likes Channel 7's popcorn.
6) His impression of how an opera singer would voice is flawless ... And he is not above having fun at the expense of Ryan waiter.

7). TO's irritated face intimidates some old bed and breakfast owners, who share a room with Kita is not his thing, and he can not get over Kita is a scarf to bed.

8) He looks like a "bloody tampon" in her red footy pajamas, and do not fit in a double size bed.

I can fall in love with at least that I feel a hint of fanatical quality native to Bills fans and questioning how I ever could have been appalled at his joining B-LO. My only complaint is that he uses too much time fully clothed.


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