Live at the Edinburgh Festival: Adam Hills and Janeane Garofalo

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

They expect one of two things with Janeen Garofalo: Vascular thumping leftie comedy, like her status as Air America ads, and the scourge of the American right, or over-hyped Flops as imports per her last room for maneuver festival again ending in disgrace after the seven minutes. But you will not under this cynical hour comedy in which aging, alcohol and neuroses get more airtime than the sins of the Republican party.
Janeane Garofalo
It is not a smooth hour standup. Garofalo is neglectful and big ooze, and she regularly refers to a crib sheet. But it is a part of the personality. She is distracted to tell us things before her time runs out and fretful that she would not do it. She utters terrible unimportant lines as if they were critical: "My back got fatter!" "she says, and reiterates stronger and stronger, for emphasis. The question here is almost exclusively Garofalo: her UN-tight body her emotional for prescription drugs, and her godlessness. Mind you: "I say: I am an Atheist, but I'm the first to bust a Maria for a turbulent flight."

I love to bust out "- she can turn a phrase. And it is an option tirade against China nymph Natalie Portman, who obviously has" never taken a shit in her life. "All this talk skittish about the age and weight can be known cartoon fare, but it is reanimated by Garofalo's up-yours chutney of her own nonsensicality.

Elsewhere, the figures are "what is it about?" routines, as a U.S. attempt to understand cricket and Big Brother and a dismayed review of the last few days news. But she is attractive enterprise, turning the host of her anxiety and anger in comic gold mainly because of his great personality.


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